All Hunt Areas (0)
| Mandatory CWD Sampling : Mule Deer and White-tailed Deer |
| CWD Management Zone |
Elk Zones (1)
| Elk Management Zones |
Wolf Zones (2)
| Wolf Management Zones |
Game Units (3)
| Game Management Units |
Controlled Hunts (4)
| Boundary of hunt |
| Unmappable restrictions in this portion of hunt |
Closed to Big Game Hunting (5)
| Areas closed to Big Game Hunting |
Closed to Upland Game Hunting (6)
| Areas closed to Upland Game Hunting |
Closed to Upland Gamebird and Turkey Hunting (7)
| Areas closed to Upland Gamebird and Turkey Hunting |
Closed to Waterfowl Hunting (8)
| Areas closed to Waterfowl Hunting |
Closed to Furbearer Hunting (9)
| Areas closed to Furbearer Hunting |
Furbearer Hunting and Trapping Exceptions (10)
| Furbearer Hunting and Trapping Exceptions |
Motorized Vehicle Hunting Rule (11)
| Motorized Vehicle Hunting Rule |
Wilderness (12)
AccessYes! (13)