nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 255, alias: How are you doing with migrating to ArcGIS Pro?, type: esriFieldTypeString
Coded Values:
[I have fully migrated to ArcGIS: I have fully migrated to ArcGIS Pro.]
[I'm using both ArcGIS Pro and A: I'm using both ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap.]
[I'm still only using ArcMap.: I'm still only using ArcMap.]
, ...1 more...
nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 1000, alias: What, if anything, is preventing you from adopting ArcGIS Pro?, type: esriFieldTypeString
nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: , length: 255, alias: Other - What, if anything, is preventing you from adopting ArcGIS Pro?, type: esriFieldTypeString
nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 255, alias: Are you able to access ESRI's Training Academy?, type: esriFieldTypeString
Coded Values:
[Choice 1: Choice 1]
[Choice 2: Choice 2]
[Choice 3: Choice 3]
nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 255, alias: Are you aware that ArcMap is at end of life and will not be supported after March 01, 2026?, type: esriFieldTypeString
Coded Values:
[Yes: Yes]
[No: No]
nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 255, alias: Have you used the IDFG GIS Training Resource site before?, type: esriFieldTypeString
Coded Values:
[Yes: Yes]
[No: No]
nullable: true, editable: true, defaultValue: null, length: 1000, alias: Do you have any questions or comments about ArcGIS Pro and getting GIS training?, type: esriFieldTypeString