{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Wetland_Mitigation_Server_Tool", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The Wetland Mitigation Tool identifies potential wetland rehabilitation/mitigation sites based on the watershed and ecological characteristics of a user-defined project area. Target wetland mitigation settings are identified as areas where watershed ecological groups and eco zones intersect one another and share the same attributes as the features from both of these datasets that overlay the User\u2019s area of interest. Target wetland settings are refined further by intersecting Potential wetland and riparian occurrence, hydric soils, and areas where wetland condition is defined as lightly, moderately, or severely disturbed. This processing step limits potential wetland mitigation sites to areas that are more likely to support wetlands and benefit most from wetland mitigation efforts. Acres are calculated for each potential wetland mitigation site and features with an area less than one acre are removed from the dataset as features smaller than this are generally accepted as viable mitigation sites. Subbasins that contain all potential wetland mitigation sites are output from the geoprocessing model to provide a means to help the end-user identify potential mitigation sites more easily.", "description": "The Wetland Mitigation Tool identifies potential wetland rehabilitation/mitigation sites based on the watershed and ecological characteristics of a user-defined project area. Target wetland mitigation settings are identified as areas where watershed ecological groups and eco zones intersect one another and share the same attributes as the features from both of these datasets that overlay the User\u2019s area of interest. Target wetland settings are refined further by intersecting Potential wetland and riparian occurrence, hydric soils, and areas where wetland condition is defined as lightly, moderately, or severely disturbed. This processing step limits potential wetland mitigation sites to areas that are more likely to support wetlands and benefit most from wetland mitigation efforts. Acres are calculated for each potential wetland mitigation site and features with an area less than one acre are removed from the dataset as features smaller than this are generally accepted as viable mitigation sites. Subbasins that contain all potential wetland mitigation sites are output from the geoprocessing model to provide a means to help the end-user identify potential mitigation sites more easily.", "summary": "The Wetland Mitigation Tool identifies potential wetland rehabilitation/mitigation sites based on the watershed and ecological characteristics of a user-defined project area. Target wetland mitigation settings are identified as areas where watershed ecological groups and eco zones intersect one another and share the same attributes as the features from both of these datasets that overlay the User\u2019s area of interest. Target wetland settings are refined further by intersecting Potential wetland and riparian occurrence, hydric soils, and areas where wetland condition is defined as lightly, moderately, or severely disturbed. This processing step limits potential wetland mitigation sites to areas that are more likely to support wetlands and benefit most from wetland mitigation efforts. Acres are calculated for each potential wetland mitigation site and features with an area less than one acre are removed from the dataset as features smaller than this are generally accepted as viable mitigation sites. Subbasins that contain all potential wetland mitigation sites are output from the geoprocessing model to provide a means to help the end-user identify potential mitigation sites more easily.", "title": "Wetland Mitigation Server Tool", "tags": [ "Wetland Mitigation", "Server Tool", "IDFG", "Idaho", "Wetlands", "Wetland Viewer", "App" ], "type": "Geoprocessing Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Tool", "Service", "Geoprocessing Service", "Web Tool", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://gisportal-idfg.idaho.gov/hosting", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }